Architecture is the making of possibilities

In today’s complex world of global economy, information flow, and shrinking natural resources, architecture must be able to push cultures forward, rather than responding only to the past or present; it holds the responsibility to progress our race toward a better future.
The focus of the architectural project must go beyond the quick solution of a single problem so often constructed in the mass-produced market of our time. This reduction of architecture to product sales has a critical impact on society which affects the health of culture and the well being of the human and natural environment.
The current role of the architect must escape the containment of servitude to profit-minded production and return to inspiring the artistic want of humanity while benefiting the people and communities for which it is created. The architect must operate outside the bounds of society in order to sustain a vision of possible tomorrows. In this sense, he or she becomes an observer, studying all patterns of knowledge and information enabling him or her to make critical insertions into the fabric of society.
It is these interruptions which have the capability of altering one’s perspective and making an impact for change upon the mind.
Architecture must simultaneously protect our planet and battle the effects of climate change in a responsible way in order to sustain a symbiotic relationship with our natural world. Without which there would be no need for architecture and no guarantee that our human species does survive. Deploying renewable energy sources, sustainable materials and building technologies are paramount in this battle to ensure the habitation of future generations.